ESChatology Eternal Forms


ESC is an unprecedented collection of urns, tombstones and sacred architecture inspired by the life on the beyond of the human and all living beings and by the mystery that surrounds the whole universe. After years of reflections, the designer Emanuel Gargano, has decided to try his hand at a project dedicated to a really profound theme, a particularly felt theme, linked to the Eschatology: a doctrine aimed at investigating the meaning of the life on the beyond, which has a significant influence on world view and personal daily conduct. Hence ESChatology, an unprecedented collection, made up of objects conceived and created in symbolic forms, which refer to birth, travel, origin, the cosmos and the eternal. For the first time, the contemporary design enters a world, that until now has been closely linked to baroque forms and artifice, conceiving an entire collection in an almost revolutionary way. The result is real sculptures that make unique any environment in which they are placed. ESC philosophy is to overturn and reject that sad idea often linked to death, with the aim of restoring that universal and eternal meaning and consecrating it with the sober elegance of objects of sublime beauty, which deliberately do not recall any religious symbolism. Forms of the highest design, coming from archetypal stylistic features, which seem to already exist in the collective unconscious, devoid of any creative artifice and already designed by nature. Strongly evocative are the random and left unaltered colors of the marble, a material that is already molded into its wonderful veins and shades. This is why the choice of the marble from the Trambisera quarry in Pietrasanta (Tuscany, Italy), where exactly 500 years ago the great sculptor Michelangelo went to choose the blocks for his works. The result is unique pieces, handcrafted and totally made in Italy. ESC Book explains this beautiful project through meaningful photographic images and sonnets, translated into 5 languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Arabic e Chinese. ESC includes, among its many resources, an architectural firm specializing in the design and development of temples, chapels, mausoleums and funeral monuments.



Urns – Fuse

The protuberant and receding shape together make up that joint needed to form the whole. Where it weighs it is divisible like an expense it can be divided any real sensitive substance things willing only to be seen there on the edge of the concrete world what leaves a trace counts for more beyond the divided secret ban fake smile and constant threat here instead the indivisible blows nothing that matters can be discounted or clashes new landfall for the implausible the incalculable business meets I no longer I divide multiply estimate in sharing the prime number.


Urns – Redeo

The virtue of accepting birth and our bodily end in the eternal cycle triggers a sublime joy. Oft I dreamed of coming back once more flying in light midair suspended seeing all yet not being seen in another form I clothe myself with the orbit of what escaped as real but real was not there for counting real they were not – nor food nor water that road the wall the newsstand true more than truth was love forced into a body of fiery senses undermined by soaring frozen flights breathe hard of me for I am here in naked soul and spirit full I keep my voice intact for you.


Urns – Incus

That the grains of flour and sand come together to become bread and desert is formidable. The stars – do warn the stars for me like me in dusty destiny similar to the tree its fate is ash tell him about my return to them we will meet the prime creator who separates the elements into flour rock to dust water to steam summit dome of the after and the before full weight in gentle drift I come from there and as smoke I return let the sharing of knowledge together be served let the spreading of good be served pass through congested traffic in tears of woe so the blood flows in the veins.


Urns – Sunt

What a beautiful memory the many dear people, together with me in a new dimension. The others like me inside and out the others alone as a family couple a soldier sings a thousand colours prince artist king son and daughter circus poet and beggar mirror of me of the same origin brother friend the dear lover the full emptiness and vertigo exchanged everyone tends a hand and a flower they offered me a seed and a fruit for days and months for ages and hours ineffable mourning we shared together what a beautiful memory the many people are with me in a new dimension.


Urns – Eris

The perfect form of conception, the mother of earthly and otherworldly time. You will be with me in your memory I’ll be you will know of me in your knowledge I’ll know we too stumbled into the here and now letting history and memory fade away experiences lived as mounds of waste try to relive that first gasping cry sound itself it goes and it comes same is the wind I breathe as I expire same current in flight and in friction flows in word only you were and ever will be one is the soul and we are its parts you see down there embodied in manifold fates dance of the earth celebrating a rite a heavenly dance celebrating a myth.


Urns – Dualis

Double luck that feeling, two bodies united in the incarnate world, kindred souls in the starry sky. It was strange being there dividing in two dangerous it was for many atrocious wear more masks of mine and hers widespread habit of changing voice often losing one’s sense of being make a picture in broken mirrors instead of our confused reflections of others’ faces and eyes and ears for sometimes another soul we’ve envied fearing our talent was but a lowly thing the two of us heard it and came together it was double luck indeed that feeling two bodies united in the incarnate world kindred spirits in the starry sky.


Urns – Fontis

From this spring gush forth water and wisdom. Now I am in the centre of the spring now here do I see the real measure long coveted oasis for long present the field watered with water pure where I shall plant my monument decorated in the blue and astral gold of rounds in dancing motion swirling rhythms fall and rise and rise again sweet the notes of this score many are the lines of his staff imagine me here in deep infinity graceful flight away from that drama the eternal heartbeat and nothing pushes me through the gate – there I can see the source


Urns – Amet

I disembodied and returned to the belly and embraced the one, the whole and the forever. Of many an embrace I have full memory as when I was delivered from my sweet mother awkward my father but sure in his grasp first perused by brothers and sisters desiring them I embraced the stars in learning the strict master sweaty and awkward at first love my dear friend his help and vigour intense distant that of the grandparents full of pride when with my own children in the later pain still present was she when carnal was all that story I disembodied and returned to the belly and embraced the one, the whole and the forever.